1. No Insults, Trolling, Flaming, Name Calling, Harassing, Etc.
We will not tolerate insults, excessive profanity or throwing a topic off course in an inorganic fashion. Use of racial, bigoted, sexist, or discriminatory terms or phrases is not accepted. Posts intended solely to antagonize others are not accepted. Keep topics/posts where they belong. Generally speaking, play nice.
2. No Gore, Porn, or Sexual Content
No images, descriptions, or links to graphic or pornographic content, including any form of nudity, or nude cartoons. No sexual content, including discussion of sex acts (implied or otherwise), or posts about genitalia. The public boards are intended to be suitable for all ages, and anything that could offend members of the community will be reviewed on a per case basis by the site staff.
3. No Politics
This includes signatures, user titles and avatars. Political jokes and links to news stories with a political nature are also off limits.
4. No Alternate ID's - One Account per Individual
We operate a one account - one person policy. Creating an alternate ID will result in both the original account and the alternate ID being permanently banned immediately. Sharing accounts among a group of people is also forbidden. If you want to create a new account and discontinue your old account (lost password, desired change of username, etc.)? Contact a mod so a note can be made and the old account shut down.
5. No Business or Personal Ads
Any posts or threads solely to promote a store will be removed. This includes making posts with the intended purpose of promoting your own ebay or Craigslistspages.
6. Keep Off-Site Drama Off This Site
If you had a disagreement or falling out with someone on another site or in real life then don't bring it here. Leave your grievances at the door. Additionally, do not derail normal board discussion with drama in your personal life. The board is not to serve as your personal therapy couch.
7. Do Not Post Private Conversations
This includes PM's, IM's and emails. Additionally, do not pursue methods outside of posts on this board to insult, attack, or harass other members.
8. No Spam
We do not allow spamming. Spam will be deleted and the account banned instantly.
9. No Disruptive Posting/Trolling
Trolling will not be tolerated. Users who troll others consistently will be subject to disciplinary actions.
10. No Topic Bumping
Topics that have gone dormant have run their course. If you are not the original poster posting a significantly revised concept or have nothing constructive to add, don't post.
11. Reporting Posts to the Moderation Team
The report button is a tool to report posts to the moderation team. Do not abuse the report button with insignificant issues that don't disrupt the day-to-day flow of the forum. Abuse of the report button can lead to disciplinary action.
12. No Circumvention of Moderation Team Imposed Punishments
Should the moderation team suspect that you are posting from an account that has been banned or currently has been suspended and the IP address confirms this suspicion your account will be banned instantly as will the suspended account. Additionally, any user who flaunts the use of IP masking software or trolls the moderation team in a way that indicates that they were previously banned or suspended will face disciplinary action.
13. Rule Changes
The moderator team retains the right to update these rules as necessary.