1. When commenting on a concept, please use constructive criticism. This goes for both positive and negative opinions. Any replies to concepts that simply state something to the effect of "OMG, this sux!" or "AWESOME!!!11!" that we encounter will be removed.
2. When posting a concept, please be specific in the title. Don't post a vague, whimsical title that has nothing to do with the concept itself. Mention the name of the team, the sport, if the team exists or not, and what method/program you used to create the concept. By stating that a concept is handdrawn or made in Paint in the title, you will hopefully limit the unfounded criticism that tend to be levied towards the program and not the idea itself.
3. Before posting a concept, please take some time to truly look at it and see if it's "ready for prime time." If a concept looks like it took five minutes to make, don't post it. Posting a football jersey concept with Arial numbers isn't going to fly.
4. Any concept thread that doesn't actually show a concept will be deleted. Additionally, any concept thread that requests that others make the actual concept will be deleted as well.
5. Avoid the "teaser image" when starting a thread. Start your thread after your concept is done and include it in the first post. Starting a thread with a "coming soon" type image only bumps current concepts down the page without adding anything new to the forum.
6. If a thread has been dormant for a significant period of time (typically upwards of six months) without update from the original poster, it will be locked if bumped by another member.
Much like the guidelines with the "coming soon" type image, we want to make sure that current concepts are featured on the front page of the concepts forum rather than concepts that won't be updated soon.
Designers, if this has happened to one of your threads that you would like unlocked, just send a PM to me and I'll take care of reopening it.
7. If a user posts a concept using uncredited artwork he/she did not design, the thread will be deleted immediately.
8. Additionally, concepts that are posted using artwork that another forum member created will be deleted immediately unless permission has been explicitly granted by the user that created the artwork.
If you see artwork being used without proper credit, please report the post so one of us can take care of it.
9. Please refrain from "requesting" that a user do a specific team, idea of yours, league, etc. If those working on a concept or within a concept series want input for other team or league ideas, they will more than likely say so in the thread.
Designers, if you would like to solicit input on other projects and/or teams you should tackle, please let that be known in your OP or somewhere along the line in the thread.
Other users, when posting in the concepts forum, please stick to giving constructive C&C to the topic at hand rather than asking the artist to do what you want him/her to next.
1.. All concept competitions in the forum must be pre-approved by me or another mod.